Monday, February 16, 2009

I really haven't forgotten to blog!

We lost the batteries to the camera, so until I can buy more batteries, I am camera-less. It's dreadful.......just when I started this blog.....and I keep seeing things I would LOVE to have pics of to post here.

We went for a walk in the forest last week, and there was the most amazing ferns over a moss-covered rock....absolutely breath-taking, but, alas, no camera!

Friday, February 6, 2009

2-5-09 and 2-6-09

I did take pictures yesterday, but I forgot to upload them.

Anna found some really pretty icicles hanging from a piece of grapevine...I don't know if you can see, but they're kinda twined around a tendril there. SO lovely. Today's lovely thing was rather sad...a dead screech owl in our front yard. He was simply amazing...BEAUTIFUL!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It stayed so cold today I put off going outside and taking a picture for as long as I could. ; ) I *really* wanted a picture of the icicles on the gutter, though. The blue sky behind the tree was a bonus. : )
This was another bonus! You KNOW it's cold when birds have icicles hanging off their wings!

Monday, February 2, 2009


It's snowing today!

I liked the geometric look of my walkway under the snow. It's still hard the mountain across from us is hidden.

Icy branches.

Oscar, watching it snow. : )